Friday, 2 September 2011

The Art of Living

Vishalaskshi mandap

Vishalaskshi mandap, Art of Living Ashram, Bangalore

Do your 100%

"Do your 100% in everything you do," Dr Divya insisted. …Things done half-heartedly never get done.
Dr Divya and Pankaj ji our teachers for the weekend Basic course at the Art of Living Ashram had the same effect on me as the very ashram.
Tapa, incessant work has gone into the making of the ashram. The ashram is a living organism, populated and under continuous creation by the likes of Dr Divya. Life at the ashram is a yagya, a continuous prayer for betterment of the world we live in. And this happens by touching the soul's need to know and express itself as bliss.
If this sounds like poetic prose to you, bear with my Pranayama-induced happy mind.
Tapa is the dictum that rules the Art of Living ashram. There is no lazy road to bliss, I gather after the 3 days well spent here.

Shiva's Nandi

Nandi at the main entrance to Vishalakshi mandap
This Nandi at the main entrance to Vishalakshi mandap faces a painting of Ma Vishalakshi inside the mandap. Beautiful paintings, possibly in acrylics, are hung on walls in different places in the ashram, including one of Ardh-Narishwar and Ma Annapurna.

The ceiling at Vishalakshi mandap

The ceiling at Vishalakshi mandap
That's Ma Vishalakshi :-)

Inside Vishalakshi mandap

Inside Vishalakshi mandap
The circular hall with double storeyed seating may be huge but it has the feel of being at home in your drawing room with close friends, even though many of those present here are first time visitors like me :-)
The essence of Sri Sri Ravishankar's motto of 'a one-world-family' or 'Vasudhaiv kutumbakam' is exuberantly alive here.
Inside Vishalakshi mandap

Lodging facility at Aparna

Lodging facility at Aparna, Art of Living Ashram, Bangalore
The number behind my photo identity card issued at check-in was my key to the shared room at Aparna. My roommates, Saumya and Prisilda – two bubbly girls on a retreat, were a source of unending joy.

Divine Shop

Divine Shop, Art of Living Ashram, Bangalore
Shopping is nirvana for city-folks like me, but this Divine Shop had real roadmaps to nirvana. I picked up a commentary by Sri Sri Ravishankar on Yogasara Upanishad.

Sri Sri Kriti

Sri Sri Kriti, Art of Living Ashram
That's Saumya and Prisilda just done with exploring the hand made clothes and artifacts at Sri Sri Kriti – a shop which sells products made by rural women, under guidance by designers.

Sri Sri Ayurveda

Sri Sri Ayurveda

Sri Sri Ayurveda Panchakarma

Sri Sri Ayurveda

Panchakarma facilities

Sri Sri Ayurveda, Art of Living Bangalore

Walkabout Ashram

Pankaj ji, Art of Living Ashram, Bangalore
Pankaj ji (right) leading the way…

Dining Hall

Dining Hall, Art of Living Ashram, Bangalore
Food glorious food, under the supervision of Ma Annapurna
Dining Hall, Art of Living Ashram, Bangalore

In Radha kunj

Radha Kunj, Art of Living Ashram, Bangalore
Radha kunj by the lake in the ashram is another quiet walkway lined by trees and plants chosen with great care, just as everything else here.

A Yagyashala in Radha kunj

Radha Kunj, Art of Living Ashram, Bangalore
Radha kunj opened up at Ved Agam Sanskrit Maha Pathshala, a gurukul where boys study the Vedas, Puranas, Agam, and more in Sanskrit literature…

Ved Agam Sanskrit Maha Pathshala

This gurukul is overlooking a natural lake, which has 2 crocodiles.


2 crocodiles live in this lake at the Ashram
This security personnel had met Guruji Sri Sri Ravishankar this morning, while guruji walking on this dirt road, was touched by a shrub's need for something. 'Why is this shrub wilting?' Guruji thought aloud.
With no one but himself around, the security personnel replied, 'Sir, it may need water.' And no sooner had he spoken, he was sorry for saying 'sir'. He was speaking with guruji, how could he call him 'sir' a word of formal address!
Guruji is his own, one of a one-world-family:-) When I met him after breakfast, he was still regretting his slip of tongue – 'Sir, instead of Guruji!' How could I address him like a stranger!

More about the Ashram

Basic and Advance courses happen every weekend. Please contact ashram for latest details. Sri Sri Yoga and Sehaj Samadhi also take place regularly. Anyone who has done a course or wants to do one is welcome to stay at the ashram. Weekend retreats also take place. Sri Sri Panchkarma is also available here with Ayurvedic doctors who diagnose through Nadi parikshan. The food at the ashram is vegetarian. It is a no-smoking and no-alcohol zone.
I have just returned after doing an advanced course here. It was amazing! Art of Living is for everyone. Please do the courses and practice...

The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation

 Everyone seeks peace and harmony, because this is what we lack in our lives. From time to time we all experience agitation, irritation, dishar­mony. And when we suffer from these miseries, we don't keep them to ourselves; we often distribute them to others as well. Unhappiness permeates the atmosphere around someone who is miserable, and those who come in contact with such a person also become affected. Certainly this is not a skillful way to live.
We ought to live at peace with ourselves, and at peace with others. After all, human beings are social beings, having to live in society and deal with each other. But how are we to live peacefully? How are we to remain harmonious within, and maintain peace and harmony around us, so that others can also live peacefully and harmoniously?
In order to be relieved of our misery, we have to know the basic reason for it, the cause of the suffering. If we investigate the problem, it becomes clear that whenever we start generating any negativity or impurity in the mind, we are bound to become unhappy. A negativity in the mind, a mental defilement or impurity, cannot coexist with peace and harmony.
How do we start generating negativity? Again, by investigation, it becomes clear. We become unhappy when we find someone behaving in a way that we don't like, or when we find something happening which we don't like. Unwanted things happen and we create tension within. Wanted things do not happen, some obstacle comes in the way, and again we create tension within; we start tying knots within. And throughout life, unwanted things keep on happening, wanted things may or may not happen, and this process of reaction, of tying knots—Gordian knots—makes the entire mental and physical structure so tense, so full of negativity, that life becomes miserable.
Now, one way to solve this problem is to arrange that nothing unwanted happens in life, that everything keeps on happening exactly as we desire. Either we must develop the power, or somebody else who will come to our aid must have the power, to see that unwanted things do not happen and that everything we want happens. But this is impossible. There is no one in the world whose desires are always fulfilled, in whose life everything happens according to his or her wishes, without anything unwanted happening. Things constantly occur that are contrary to our desires and wishes. So the question arises: how can we stop reacting blindly when confronted with things that we don't like? How can we stop creating tension and remain peaceful and harmonious?
In India, as well as in other countries, wise saintly persons of the past studied this problem—the problem of human suffering—and found a solution: if something unwanted happens and you start to react by generating anger, fear or any negativity, then, as soon as possible, you should divert your attention to something else. For example, get up, take a glass of water, start drinking—your anger won't multiply; on the other hand, it'll begin to subside. Or start counting: one, two, three, four. Or start repeating a word, or a phrase, or some mantra, perhaps the name of a god or saintly person towards whom you have devotion; the mind is diverted, and to some extent you'll be free of the negativity, free of the anger.
This solution was helpful; it worked. It still works. Responding like this, the mind feels free from agitation. However, the solution works only at the conscious level. In fact, by diverting the attention you push the negativity deep into the unconscious, and there you continue to generate and multiply the same defilement. On the surface there is a layer of peace and harmony, but in the depths of the mind there is a sleeping volcano of suppressed negativity which sooner or later may erupt in a violent explosion.
Other explorers of inner truth went still further in their search and, by experiencing the reality of mind and matter within themselves, recognized that diverting the attention is only running away from the problem. Escape is no solution; you have to face the problem. Whenever negativity arises in the mind, just observe it, face it. As soon as you start to observe a mental impurity, it begins to lose its strength and slowly withers away.
A good solution; it avoids both extremes—suppression and expression. Burying the negativity in the unconscious will not eradicate it, and allowing it to manifest as unwholesome physical or vocal actions will only create more problems. But if you just observe, then the defilement passes away and you are free of it.
This sounds wonderful, but is it really practical? It's not easy to face one's own impurities. When anger arises, it so quickly overwhelms us that we don't even notice. Then, overpowered by anger, we perform physical or vocal actions which harm ourselves and others. Later, when the anger has passed, we start crying and repenting, begging pardon from this or that person or from God: “Oh, I made a mistake, please excuse me!” But the next time we are in a similar situation, we again react in the same way. This continual repenting doesn't help at all.
The difficulty is that we are not aware when negativity starts. It begins deep in the unconscious mind, and by the time it reaches the conscious level it has gained so much strength that it overwhelms us, and we cannot observe it.
Suppose that I employ a private secretary, so that whenever anger arises he says to me, “Look, anger is starting!” Since I cannot know when this anger will start, I'll need to hire three private secretaries for three shifts, around the clock! Let's say I can afford it, and anger begins to arise. At once my secretary tells me, “Oh look—anger has started!” The first thing I'll do is rebuke him: “You fool! You think you're paid to teach me?” I'm so overpowered by anger that good advice won't help.
Suppose wisdom does prevail and I don't scold him. Instead, I say, “Thank you very much. Now I must sit down and observe my anger.” Yet, is it possible? As soon as I close my eyes and try to observe anger, the object of the anger immediately comes into my mind—the person or incident which initiated the anger. Then I'm not observing the anger itself; I'm merely observing the external stimulus of that emotion. This will only serve to multiply the anger, and is therefore no solution. It is very difficult to observe any abstract negativity, abstract emotion, divorced from the external object which originally caused it to arise.
However, someone who reached the ultimate truth found a real solution. He discovered that whenever any impurity arises in the mind, physically two things start happening simultaneously. One is that the breath loses its normal rhythm. We start breathing harder whenever negativity comes into the mind. This is easy to observe. At a subtler level, a biochemical reaction starts in the body, resulting in some sensation. Every impurity will generate some sensation or the other within the body.
This presents a practical solution. An ordinary person cannot observe abstract defilements of the mind—abstract fear, anger or passion. But with proper training and practice it is very easy to observe respiration and body sensations, both of which are directly related to mental defilements.
Respiration and sensations will help in two ways. First, they will be like private secretaries. As soon as a negativity arises in the mind, the breath will lose its normality; it will start shouting, “Look, something has gone wrong!” And we cannot scold the breath; we have to accept the warning. Similarly, the sensations will tell us that something has gone wrong. Then, having been warned, we can start observing the respiration, start observing the sensations, and very quickly we find that the negativity passes away.
This mental-physical phenomenon is like a coin with two sides. On one side are the thoughts and emotions arising in the mind, on the other side are the respiration and sensations in the body. Any thoughts or emotions, any mental impurities that arise manifest themselves in the breath and the sensations of that moment. Thus, by observing the respiration or the sensations, we are in fact observing mental impurities. Instead of running away from the problem, we are facing reality as it is. As a result, we discover that these impurities lose their strength; they no longer overpower us as they did in the past. If we persist, they eventually disappear altogether and we begin to live a peaceful and happy life, a life increasingly free of negativities.
In this way the technique of self-observation shows us reality in its two aspects, inner and outer. Previously we only looked outward, missing the inner truth. We always looked outside for the cause of our unhappiness; we always blamed and tried to change the reality outside. Being ignorant of the inner reality, we never understood that the cause of suffering lies within, in our own blind reactions toward pleasant and unpleasant sensations.
Now, with training, we can see the other side of the coin. We can be aware of our breathing and also of what is happening inside. Whatever it is, breath or sensation, we learn just to observe it without losing our mental balance. We stop reacting and multiplying our misery. Instead, we allow the defilements to manifest and pass away.
The more one practices this technique, the more quickly negativities will dissolve. Gradually the mind becomes free of defilements, becomes pure. A pure mind is always full of love—selfless love for all others, full of compassion for the failings and sufferings of others, full of joy at their success and happiness, full of equanimity in the face of any situation.
When one reaches this stage, the entire pattern of one's life changes. It is no longer possible to do anything vocally or physically which will disturb the peace and happiness of others. Instead, a balanced mind not only becomes peaceful, but the surrounding atmosphere also becomes permeated with peace and harmony, and this will start affecting others, helping others too.
By learning to remain balanced in the face of everything experienced inside, one develops detachment towards all that one encounters in external situations as well. However, this detachment is not escapism or indifference to the problems of the world. Those who regularly practice Vipassana become more sensitive to the sufferings of others, and do their utmost to relieve suffering in whatever way they can—not with any agitation, but with a mind full of love, compassion and equanimity. They learn holy indifference—how to be fully committed, fully involved in helping others, while at the same time maintaining balance of mind. In this way they remain peaceful and happy, while working for the peace and happiness of others.
This is what the Buddha taught: an art of living. He never established or taught any religion, any “ism”. He never instructed those who came to him to practice any rites or rituals, any empty formalities. Instead, he taught them just to observe nature as it is, by observing the reality inside. Out of ignorance we keep reacting in ways which harm ourselves and others. But when wisdom arises—the wisdom of observing reality as it is—this habit of reacting falls away. When we cease to react blindly, then we are capable of real action—action proceeding from a balanced mind, a mind which sees and understands the truth. Such action can only be positive, creative, helpful to ourselves and to others.
What is necessary, then, is to “know thyself”—advice which every wise person has given. We must know ourselves, not just intellectually in the realm of ideas and theories, and not just emotionally or devotionally, simply accepting blindly what we have heard or read. Such knowledge is not enough. Rather, we must know reality experientially. We must experience directly the reality of this mental-physical phenomenon. This alone is what will help us be free of our suffering.
This direct experience of our own inner reality, this technique of self-observation, is what is called Vipassana meditation. In the language of India in the time of the Buddha, passana meant seeing in the ordinary way, with one's eyes open; but vipassana is observing things as they actually are, not just as they appear to be. Apparent truth has to be penetrated, until we reach the ultimate truth of the entire psycho-physical structure. When we experience this truth, then we learn to stop reacting blindly, to stop creating negativities—and naturally the old ones are gradually eradicated. We become liberated from misery and experience true happiness.
There are three steps to the training given in a meditation course. First, one must abstain from any action, physical or vocal, which disturbs the peace and harmony of others. One cannot work to liberate oneself from impurities of the mind while at the same time continuing to perform deeds of body and speech which only multiply them. Therefore, a code of morality is the essential first step of the practice. One undertakes not to kill, not to steal, not to commit sexual misconduct, not to tell lies, and not to use intoxicants. By abstaining from such actions, one allows the mind to quiet down sufficiently in order to proceed further.
The next step is to develop some mastery over this wild mind by training it to remain fixed on a single object, the breath. One tries to keep one's attention on the respiration for as long as possible. This is not a breathing exercise; one does not regulate the breath. Instead, one observes natural respiration as it is, as it comes in, as it goes out. In this way one further calms the mind so that it is no longer overpowered by intense negativities. At the same time, one is concentrating the mind, making it sharp and penetrating, capable of the work of insight.
These first two steps, living a moral life, and controlling the mind, are very necessary and beneficial in themselves, but they will lead to suppression of negativities unless one takes the third step: purifying the mind of defilements by developing insight into one's own nature. This is Vipassana: experiencing one's own reality by the systematic and dispassionate observation within oneself of the ever-changing mind-matter phenomenon manifesting itself as sensations. This is the culmination of the teaching of the Buddha: self-purification by self-observation.
It can be practiced by one and all. Everyone faces the problem of suffering. It is a universal malady which requires a universal remedy, not a sectarian one. When one suffers from anger, it's not Buddhist anger, Hindu anger, or Christian anger. Anger is anger. When one becomes agitated as a result of this anger, this agitation is not Christian, or Jewish, or Muslim. The malady is universal. The remedy must also be universal.
Vipassana is such a remedy. No one will object to a code of living which respects the peace and harmony of others. No one will object to developing control over the mind. No one will object to developing insight into one's own nature, by which it is possible to free the mind of negativities. Vipassana is a universal path.
Observing reality as it is by observing the truth inside—this is knowing oneself directly and experientially. As one practices, one keeps freeing oneself from the misery of mental impurities. From the gross, external, apparent truth, one penetrates to the ultimate truth of mind and matter. Then one transcends that, and experiences a truth which is beyond mind and matter, beyond time and space, beyond the conditioned field of relativity: the truth of total liberation from all defilements, all impurities, all suffering. Whatever name one gives this ultimate truth is irrelevant; it is the final goal of everyone.
May you all experience this ultimate truth. May all people be free from misery. May they enjoy real peace, real harmony, real happiness.

Friday, 29 July 2011

Sripuram Golden Mahalaxmi Temple, Thirumalaikodi, Near Vellore, Tamilnadu.

Sripuram Golden Mahalaxmi Temple, Thirumalaikodi,  Near Vellore, Tamilnadu.

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Sripuram, The Golden Temple Mahalakshmi Temple Images, Slide-show

Golden Temple - when uttered this word, immediately people thinks of Amritsar and the Highest Body of the Sikh's pride Golden Temple. But now it has got a good competition! Yes, an estimated over 600 Crores of Indian Rupees spent, to construct a true Golden Temple for Goddess Mahalakshmi, the presiding deity, (installed and maintained by Sri Narayani Peedam) in this Temple at Sripuram, which is situated 6 km away from the District Headquarters - Vellore, North Arcot District in Tamilnadu. Now, the temple is complete, open to the general public; this town Sripuram has all the facilities one can visit to enjoy his/her spiritual experience.
A Mahalakshmi temple called 'Sripuram' and made of more than a ton of pure gold will glitter and gleam under the sun on August 24 when it is unveiled for consecration by the Sri Narayani Peetam headed by a 31-year-old god man who calls himself Narayani Amma. Devotees hail the temple as 'one of the wonders of the world' and say that it is the only temple covered fully with gold.
More than 400 gold and coppersmiths from the Tirupathi Thirumala Devasthanam are said to have worked for six years to craft the Rs. 600-crore golden temple located on 55,000 sq ft of land on a 100-acre salubrious stretch in Malaikodi, about 6 km from Vellore in north Tamil Nadu. According to official sources, the gold bars were purchased through RBI in "a transparent manner "
First the coppersmiths set to work creating a copper base on the temple structure with engravings and etchings before the gold, beaten into nine layers of foils, was draped around it. The sanctum sanctorum will hold the deity of Mahalakshmi made of stone granite, but covered with gold protection layers. (Kavacham - adornments).
" The Sripuram or Spiritual Park is Amma's dedication to the world and mankind," said P Murali, a trustee of the Peetam, adding that the temple has more gold than the Golden Temple of Amritsar.
Messages by 'Amma' have been laid out along the path to the temple with messages from the Gita, Bible and Quran. "When one enters the Sripuram, their focus is just on the magnificent temple. But when they leave, they cannot do so without taking some messages and gaining some wisdom," according to a booklet detailing the 'services' rendered by the Peetam. "In this quagmire of materialism, Sripuram rises as an inspiration to man to find the divinity within him," adds a Narayani Peedam brochure.
The arrangements were being made to hire personnel to throw a security cover around the temple. "But the gold sheets have been laid out in such a manner that it would cost more to rip it off than purchase the gold," said a top Vellore district official.
How to reach Sripuram Golden Mahalakshmi Temple?  Location, Distance, Route  & contact details: ( Katpadi Longitude 79 Deg. 8' East, Latitude 12 Deg. North 59' )
Whatsoever may the cause, the Temple location, its surroundings and the peaceful atmosphere are the added attractions for the visitors and it is sure worth to visit this place once. The Maha Laksmi Temple is now an attraction even for the tourists and pilgrimage. This temple is located at Thirumalaikodi; Katpadi is the nearest Railway station in the Chennai-Bangalore route of Southern Railway. How to reach Sripuram? It takes about 3 and half hours drive from Chennai, in the Chennai - Bangalore road. It is in the National Highways NH46 that connects Chennai - Bangalore (Bangaluru) and in NH4 from Ranipet to Bangalore.  From Katpadi, one can reach by state owned bus to Sripuram which takes about 15 minutes drive or less. Or, one can reach Thirumalaikodi  by bus from Vellore to Anicut / Odugathur route. The State run buses ply via Thirumalaikodi in this route.  From Tirupati (Tirupathi) to Katpadi, there are shuttle train services available upto Katpadi or Jolarpettai (Jolarpet Passenger) or one can travel by train from Tirupathi (Tirupati)  by Kanyakumari Express from Tirupati to Katpadi which takes less than 3 hours journey. Direct bus services available from all major points to Vellore from Chennai, Chittoor, Bangalore, Kanchipuram, Kanyakumari, Tirupathi & Thiruvannamalai - all being major Temple towns and picnic spots. Vellore is well connected by road with all the southern states viz. Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala & Pondicherry. The approximate distance from each major station to Vellore is listed below for the convenience of the visitors:
Chennai - Vellore  about 150 kms (Via Sriperumpudur, Sunkuwar Chathram, Kaveripakkam, Wallajahpet, Ranipet, Arcot, Ratnagari - or Arcot by-pass from Ranipet) - 3 and half hours drive from Chennai.
Bangalore - Vellore (via Hosur) - 220 kms (On national highway routes - NH7 > via - Hosur Road - Electronic City - Attibele(NH7) - Hosur - Kamandoddi - Shoolagiri- Melumalai - Kurubarapalli - Krishnagiri > NH46> - Bargur - Vaniyambadi - Ambur - Pallikondaj - Vellore. - around 4 hours drive)
Kanchipuram - Vellore - 58 kms
Tirupathi - Katpadi - 95 kms
Ranipet - Vellore - 26 kms (via Arcot bypass - highways 22 kms)
Hyderabad - Vellore - 510 kms
Mysore - Vellore - 270 kms
Thiruvannamalai - Vellore - 85 kms
Vellore - Sripuram Sri Mahalakshmi Golden Temple - 8 KM 

While traveling through National Highways, you will find many toll gates where you need to pay toll fee at different locations, for private cars, taxis, vans etc  toll fee ranging from Rs.38 up to 65 and for busses and trucks the charges are still more. (valid for entry-exit 24 hours only).

For the benefit of the visitors, I give the route map from Katpadi to Sripuram, supplied by the Temple at the bottom of this page. 

Temple  Darshan Timings & applicable current official charges (donations!) are as below:
Darshan Timing 8 am to 8 pm on all the 365 days! For those who want to have darshan and have enough time to stand in the queue, the entry is free. There is no charges for the general public for entry and darshan. However, those who are in hurry and limited time to go through the normal darshan, there are some special arrangements made for a little fee. One can avail the available options across the counter.

The Sevas available right now  and are likely to be changed/modified by the Temple authorities as per the trustees discretion:
Swarna Pushpa Archana Seva; In this seva Archana will be done with 108 gold flowers and out of which one will be given to the devotee after the archana seva. The donation for the seva is 1508/- for a couple and 1008/- for one devotee. (All days from 0800Hrs to 2000Hrs)

Veda Parayana Seva; In this seva One devotee will be allowed to sit in front of goddess Mahalakshmi and will be given Aarthi Dharsan (Mondays to Fridays  0800 to 2000) Rs.250/ per Head

Divya Dharsan Seva; In this seva one devotee will be permitted for Divya dharsan of Goddess Mahalakshmi. (only Dharsan- No Aarthi) Rs.100/ per head on Saturdays and Sundays and National Holidays.
Anna Dhana Seva: Rs.5004/- for four persons. In this seva, devotees can have the Arathi Seva Darshan and also blessed to distribute Prasadam to visiting devotees at the temple. Timing: 8.00 am
Gho Dhana Seva: Rs.15,000/- for four persons. Timings: Between 4.30 and 8.00 am. By donating a cow to the Ghosala, the donor is allowed to parttake in the Gho pooja at the Ghosala.
Maha Aarathi Seva: At 6.00 pm after Nivedyam, one devotee is permitted  sit before the Main Idol, Sri Mahalakshmi for this Maha Aarathi.
Sri Sooktha Homam Seva: In front of the Goddess Sannithi, at the Saheshara Deepa Mandapam, four deveotess are allowed to take part in the Sri Suktha Homam alongwith the temple priest. Timings: 9.00 to 11 am and 6.00 to 8.00 pm. The Donation charges are Rs.3006/-
Pushpa Alankara Seva: By sponsoring for floral decorations to the Main deity Sri Lakshmi Narayani, two devotees are allowed to sit in front of the main Idol. Timing: 8.00 am and the donation charge is Rs.2007/-
Abhisheka Pooja Seva: In the morning between 4.30 & 8.00 am, by donating Rs.3006/- on all days except Friday (Fridays, Rs.5004/- is charged), four devotees are permitted to take part in the routines viz. Abhishekam, Alankaram & Arathi. 
Sri Vastram Seva: If one wishes, she/he can offer a 9 yard Silk saree to Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi. By this offering, one donating devotee is allowed to take part in the Arathi seva, between 8.00 am and 8.00 pm and the donation charges are Rs.10,008/-

Abishekam:  In this seva 4 members are permitted for Abisekam, Alankaram and Aarthi Dharsan Rs.3006/- on all days except Fridays (No accommodation)
Rs.5004/- on Fridays  (One Non A/c Room accommodation will be given) The accommodation facilities presently available as below:

Non AC � Rs. 500/- for  2 persons (Additional bed- 150/-) Maximum persons allowed  3 only  in  a room.
AC � Rs. 750/-- for  2 persons (Additional bed- 200/-) Maximum persons allowed  3 only  in  a room
One can send an advance DD in favour of "Narayani Siddar Peedam Charitable Trust" payable at Vellore and book for your requirements.

For more details one may contact the PROs of Sri Narayani Siddar Peedam at Sripuram at the following cell phone numbers:

+91 9942993009   ( Sri R Baskar),  +91 9942993010  (Sri  B V Karthik).
The Temple is constructed, managed and maintained by Shri Narayani Amma of Sri NarayaNi Peedam, (known as Amma of Sri Shakti Peetam). Further details and arrangements can also be made by the Shakti Sri Narayani Peedam at phone numbers (STD code included) : +9104162271202 or +9104162271 844. Sri Shakti Peetam of Sri Narayani Amma also arrange for your visit and provide hospitality on special and individual requests. There are numerous state run bus services available from most of the nearest towns to/via Sripuram. Nearest Railway station:- Katpadi, Chennai-Bangalore rail route. Nearest big town:- Vellore, District headquarters of North Arcot, Tamilnadu (South India). Nearest Airport, Chennai - Meenambakkam (about 135 kms.) or Bangalore (Bengaluru) Airport (180 kms) and from Tirupathi Airport about 100 kms. Email contact for Sri Narayani Peedam office is : 
Here are few suggestions, useful tips, do's and don'ts for a first time visitor:
Once inside the complex, there are proper guidance, assistance and also an information center inside the complex for the visitors to know more about the functions of this temple.
There is ample car parking space available @ Rs.20/- per vehicle.
Here, the security measures are more stringent as alike Sri Balaji Temple of Tirupathi. Long queue makes one exhaust soon, more so during the summer days. It is recommended to take drinking water bottles & towels to fight the thirst and sweat!
Please do not carry your Mobile phones and cameras which are strictly prohibited inside the temple premises. Separate counters are there to deposit your cell phones, cameras as also your foot-wear. It is highly recommended not to take it with you to the temple at the first place, as it is not going to help you in any way as you have to deposit the same at the counters before entering the complex.
As is in Tirupathi, here too the queue control system exist. A special structures erected to control and regularize the moving crowd is put up that extends up to 3 kms stretch from the temple! From here, you are allowed to move inside the star shaped ( Sri Chakra) corridor of the temple, only after proper security check by the security personnel both men & women; there you will have to undergo strict security checks viz. scanning, frisking and all the sort of personal/belongings etc. Senior citizens are accompanied by the escorts from the temple are allowed to join in the main queue directly, but no family members are allowed to accompany them. Free wheel chair for physically challenged persons and elderly persons are also available and they are directly taken to the temple by the volunteers of Sri Narayani Peedam. No family members allowed to escort or accompany them, as the Golden Temple authorities arrange to give a very good care for them.
By the time you reach the Sanctum Sanctorum, oh, by now you have walked almost 3 kms distance from the entrance! but the scenery, surroundings, landscape and the disciplined as well as organized path now should give you a good feeling of a better darshan! If one prefers to perform Abhishekam or Archana they need to book well in advance, say at least two months.
At the exit point, the volunteers of the Ashram would hand you prasadam viz. Kum-kum and Sweet rice, Laddu or pongal. Though the entire  system is most organized, one would feel exhausted - that too after you're told to view the Darshan only from a specific distance. But it is more worthy to pay a visit. The landscape, beautiful scenery, tranquil atmosphere, greenish lawns  and fine architecture all combined together, makes one feel worth of the visit.
For those who wish to stay overnight or a couple of days, hotel accommodation can be arranged through the administrators, Sri Narayani Peedam - who maintains a hotel, hospital, Orphans home etc.
The photographs, images and photos that I obtained from my sources are displayed below for the readers to enjoy a virtual tour to Sripuram Narayani Peedam Ammas Golden Sri Mahalaxmi Temple near Vellore. After having taken the tour, please sign in the guestbook with your valuable comments, suggestions and criticism as well.
Sripuram, Shakthi Peedam Sri Mahalakshmi Temple, Vellore Sripuram, Vellore, Mahalaxmi  Golden Temple of Sri Narayani Peedam Sripuram, Sri Mahalakshmi   GoldenTemple, Sakthi Narayani Peedam,  Vellore
Sri Sakthi Peedam Golden Mahalakshmi, Sripuram The Soul behind the Sripuram Temple, Sri Narayani Amma, in His public audiance. Sri Narayani Amma, Sri Shakti Peedam with Goddes Mahalakshmi, Sripuram

Sri NarayaNi Amma With Amma Mahalakshmi! Sripuram, Thirumalaikodi, Sri Mahalakshmi  Golden Temple4, Vellore


Bangalore India IIM BANGALORE INDIA Bangalore IIM

Bangalore India - A brief Introduction

Bangalore (India) visit is not just only for Fun but its a passion to Judge your Intellectual behaviour in a Hi-Tech environment of Bangalore city India.


Bangalore, India is considered in one of the very beautiful and hi-tech city of the India. Bangalore (India) is the capital city of Karnataka.
In the hot Bangalore news: recently former Chief Minister of Bangalore anounced that the name of the Bangalore will be reverted to "Bengalooru". Bangalore is the India's third most populous and largest city and Bangalore (India) is also the 27th largest city in the world and this Bangalore city India is situated in the south-eastern part of Karnataka. Bangalore in India is also considered in among one of the most happening city of India. In Bangalore (India) you can easily find all the hitech trends and developed societies. Bangalore, India is no doubt coined in the leading state of south India but it is also counted for its political affairs. The Politics of Karnataka has gotten worse from last couple of months. And the state is under the president rule. The three major political parties of Bangalore are BJP, Congress and Janta Dal(s). In terms of economical growth and political affairs the Bangalore city India is completely inseparable from the rest of the Indian country. All the resources are available Bangalore in abundance. The Information Technology sector is booming in the city, India. And the Sotware Industry is growing very rapidly in the city in India.
Commercial Area in Bangalore India
Bangalore city India has its own diverse history and multicultural environment. Bangalore India has developed very rapidly in last few decades in the field of Information technology and Business Process Outsourcing.Due to drastic rise in BPO jobs in the Bangalore India , many graduates’ youths are moving rapidly towards this Industry & also the Software Engineers of Bangalore in India are highly demanded through out the Globe.
Bengaluru is also the centre of learning and research, students of all over the India and from the rest of the countries visit Bengaluru for their higer studies. Many well known personalities, scholars, Managers, scientists are the product of the reputed educational institution of Bangalore.

Bangalore India is also called as Garden City and it has two nationally recognized botanical gardens:- Lal Bagh and Cubbon Park, and these two gardens attracts lots of visitors through the year. The city was the recipient of the Indira Priyadarshini Vruksha Mitra award in the late 1980s, for its extensive greenery.

IIM Bangalore

One of the top Management Institution of India- IIM (Indian Institute Of Management) is located here in Bangalore. The FPM program at IIM Bangalore is recognized throughout the world for it's expertise in all the field of Business Management and Studies, along with its systematic approach towards the studies of corporate strategy, policy, economics and social sciences, finance and control, marketing management, organization behaviour and human resources management, production and operations management.You can explore more about the IIM Bangalore in the IIM section of the website.


Bangalore (India) is the home place of Kannada Film Industry of India, which releases over 80 movies each year and it is the fifth largest movie industry in India, in terms of revenue generation.
Bangalore India: comprises of extreme diverse cuisines and this is reflected through the social and economic diversity of the Bangalore. Along the roadside you will get variety of Vendors, tea stalls, South Indian, North Indian, Muslim food, Chinese and Western fast foods and all these fast foods are very popular in the city.
There is having certain traditional Bangalore (Indian) vegetarian restaurants which are also very famous, these are MTR (Mavalli Tiffin Room), Vidyarthi Bhavan, Udupi Krishna Bhavan, Ramakrishna Lunch Home, Hotel Sharavathi in Yelahanka, New Krishna Bhavan, Janatha Hotel, Central Tiffin Room, Restaurants at Janardhana Hotel and Chalukya Hotel and Ullas to name a few. The masala dosa - rice pancake smeared with red chilly chutney and stuffed with potato curry, 'set dosa' - 3 medium sized dosas, 'benne masalae' - thick rice pancake prepared with butter – these are certain local favorites of the people of Bangalore . Bath in most of the restaurants are also some of the other local favorites in the city.
The Muslim cuisine of Bangalore India is excellent as it delivers a very interesting blend of Mughlai cuisine, Hyderabadi Muslim or Nawabi cuisine and all these are called with a distinct Bangalorean flavour. The MM Road in Frazer town is known for its unique collection of about 7 to 8 Muslim Restaurants including one quite known Richies catering to usually the middle class and the Upper middle class.
Arabian cuisine is also slowly on the rise with Shawarma and Felafil gathering some popularity although these hotels are usually frequented by Arab students and Gulf returned Indians. Some of the bakeries in Bangalore are also quite popular for a quick snack. There are many fruit juice stalls and shoppers often visit them.
Bangalore India , with its good location and as congenial climate, fertile land and adequate rainfall has grown steadily in its area and population. Its growth started rapidly with the establishment of a cantonment by the British.

Bangalore- Hotels

In Bangalore India you will find different varieties of hotels and different different types of accomodations in different Hotels according to your budget. In Bangalore ( India )you will find many travel agents and tour operators, this type of facilities are also available online. You will definately love and enjoy these hotels which are basically structured to facilitate the tourists. In Bangalore India hotels you will find well mannered and cultured staff. And these staffs in the hotels are always ready to serve the tourists. They will provide different accomodations and facilities according to your budget. The hotels there in Bangalore provides different concessions and discounts to the tourists and customers according to there status and different plans which are available there in the hotels. The hotels in Bangalore also provides the commitments to make their best deals and these hotels also manages the travel services that are looked by the tourists and customers.
  • Taj Residency Hotel
  • The Park Bangalore Hotel
  • Royal Orchid Hotel
  • St Marks Hotel
  • Oberoi Hotels
  • Hotel The Taj West End
  • Hotel Bangalore Gate
  • The Grand Hotels
  • Le Meridien Hotel Bangalore
  • Chancery Hotel Bangalore
  • Click here more detail

Bangalore Colleges List


  • Canara Bank School of Management
    Central College, Bangalore,
  • Administrative Management College
    30th Cross, 4th Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560011
  • Al-Ameen College
    Near Lalbagh, Hosur Road, Bangalore
  • Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
    Race Course Road, Bangalore - 560001
  • C N K Reddy College of Business Management
    93, Double Road, Indiranagar, 2nd Stage, Bangalore - 560038

Bangalore ROAD maps

There are many occassions when people have to visit the Bangalore for personal or official reasons and people mostly faces difficult to find the place and various locations in the city itself. You can browse these places from the Bangalore City Map, Bangalore Direction Map from Bus Stand / Railway Station Bangalore and Bangalore Direction Map from Airport & Bangalore Political Maps .

Bangalore in Top News

  • IIM Bangalore’s loss: The A-B-C ( Ahmedabad-Bangalore-Calcutta) of the placement coordination cell at the Indian Institutes Management (IIMs) is changing. DNA has learnt that the placement units of IIMA, IIMB and IIMC, which earlier used to coordinate among themselves for making sure that placement dates do not clash, seem to be functioning not in keeping with that idea. more...
  • Bangalore Autorickshaws to go green: As part of Karnataka government's effort to bring down pollution levels here, it will be mandatory for autorickshaws to have Twitter Facebook Share Email Print Save Comment environment friendly engines and run on LPG, besides sporting the green colour. more...
  • File reply by Monday: A division Bench of Justices Manjula Chellur and S Abdul Nazeer asked them to place before the court records pertaining to the issue when the hearing resumes on Monday. more...
  • Two Double Murders: Sunil was wanted in the murder of Bullet Ravi and his associate in Yelahanka new town limits.
  • Bengaluru own project to construct a dedicated expressway to BIA: The paper work for the High-Speed Rail Link to BIA is moving at a snail’s pace. But now it has been revealed that the much talked about elevated expressway project of NHAI, connecting BIA with the City is already a thing of the past.
  • BSY has his way on core committee: the surprise appointment to the panel of water resources minister Basavaraj Bommai, being targeted by the Reddy camp, gave rise to another barrage of barbs between Yeddyurappa and the Reddys on the eve of the panel’s first meeting here. more...
  • Govt bungled on flood relief: Lokayukta Santosh Hegde has exposed the shoddy, and shocking, relief measures. Take, for instance: l Bagalkot — Some sheds constructed for rehabilitation of disabled persons were not fit for human habitation more...
  • Book on Vidhana Soudha: The government will launch a book on the Vidhana Soudha. Legislative council chairman Veeranna Mathikatti on Tuesday said the 500-page book will feature various details, including architecture more..
  • Law minister reads riot: It is learnt the advocates' association agreed to offer an unconditional apology more...
  • Bangalore Judge Furious Over Advocate Letter: Taking exception to a letter addressed to judges, the Karnataka High Court issued a show-cause notice to office-bearers of the Advocates’ more...
  • Bangalore Software Expansion- Leading e-payment solutions provider Tarang Software Technologies is expanding its operations in the country more...

Bangalore City Map India

Bangalore Direction Map from Bus Stand / Railway Station India

Bangalore Direction Map from Airport

Bangalore International Airport Limited

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Money Making Idea 1

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Are you looking for a legitimate way to make money online? Maybe you want some extra spending money. Or perhaps you need the money to pay bills. Either way, getting paid for filling out simple surveys can be a fun and lucrative way to earn that extra cash. In fact, there’s quite a lot of [...]
Money Making Idea 2

How To Make Money On EBay

There is a lot of money to be made as a seller on eBay. Thousands and thousands of sales are made each day, resulting in a lot of income for a lot of sellers. And there is still room for you if you want to get involved – whether you want to earn some part [...]
Money Making Idea 3

How To Make Money Blogging

More and more people are realising that blogging is one of the best ways to start your own online business. It requires minimal start up costs, you can build an impressive and loyal readership over time and once you know how to monetize your blog it can also bring in a decent income that will [...]
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How to Make Money with a Website

Making money with a website not only requires very little initial investment, but depending on what you want to focus on, it can be an extremely profitable venture as well. From affiliate marketing to blogging to actually selling your own products or even just running advertising on your site, even beginners with little to no [...]
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How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

How would you like to earn a little extra cash each month? Or even replace your income, working less to make more money… For anyone wanting to make money online, affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to get started. Affiliate marketing is the act of referring online shoppers to various products and gaining [...]
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How To Make Money With Facebook

If you always wanted to earn online income but didn’t know where to start, why not jump on the most popular social network site and take advantage of their ad serving platform? Featured Story: Click Here to read about 2 College Guys Who Made $119K in One Month Using Facebook! Believe it or not, tens [...]
Money Making Idea 7

Make Money Flipping Websites

Domain name flipping is the simple process of buying a domain name and then selling it for more money – so what exactly is website flipping all about? If you’d prefer something a little more challenging (and potentially a lot more profitable) then website flipping might just be for you. It’s a longer process but [...]
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Make Money Writing Simple Web Articles

What is the one thing that everyone is looking for when they go online? You’ve got it – information. And if you can supply it in all kinds of shapes and forms then you will be paid for doing so, which could lead to a whole new career as a web writer. Of course it [...]
Money Making Idea 9

How to Make Money Trading Binary Options

Anyone looking to invest money without the headache of doing extensive research should explore trading binary options. Binary options, while recently introduced in 2008 in the United States, has been a popular trading option in Europe and other places around the world. Binary options offer simplicity in investment giving the investor only two possible outcomes [...]
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How To Make Money With Google Adsense

If you have a website or a blog, you should definitely sign up for Google Adsense. It’s one of the few programs you can truly ‘set and forget’ – once it’s there you don’t really need to do much else with it. But there are ways and means to maximize your income from Google Adsense, [...]

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Most Beautiful Babies

1. What a beautiful world

What a beautiful world

2. Baby Basket 3

Baby Basket 3

3. Bundle of Joy II

Bundle of Joy II

4. My Beautiful Baby

My beautiful baby

5. Splash


6. Madison, aka baby G

Madison, aka baby G

7. Secrets


8. Nicole


9. My Angel



10. Every child begins the world again

My Cute  Koushik




Anita in Purple

Anita in Purple

Cute Baby

Qute Baby

Baby and Pearls

Baby and Pearls

Baby Model

Baby Model

Baby Girl – Baptism

Baby Girl - Baptism

Baby Girl (Twin 1)

Baby Girl (Twin 1)

Baby Girl – Discovering

Baby Girl - Discovering

Baby Girl for X-mas

Baby Girl for X-mas

Red Baby Girl

Red Baby Girl

Baby Girl Having Fun

Baby Girl Having Fun