Tuesday 19 July 2011


If you want to become a “killer” blogger, there are few tips that you need to keep in mind. Apart from being dedicated and aggressive, there are various other ways in which you can go one up over your competition. Credibility is the key
One of the primary ways of becoming a successful blogger is by ensuring credibility. You need to start earning credibility with your blog. This will bring in the trust factor. Earning the trust of the visitors is not an easy thing, but once your have that, you won’t look back.
Sharing Everything
You need to be upfront with you readers. You should come across as somebody who is not afraid to share anything and everything with your readers. This is again an extension of the earlier point. When a reader comes across a blog talking about your failure and how you improved, he/she is really going to appreciate your honesty. This also improves the interest factor of your blog.

Provide Unique Information

What this means is that you need to offer readers the kind of information that nobody else offers. This can prove to be difficult, but it’s important that you don’t offer readers the same stuff that they have been reading elsewhere, albeit in a recycled manner. Readers are intelligent enough to understand that they are reading the same thing all over again. This will have a drastic effect on your blog popularity. So beware and take care of this pointer.
Adding humor

Don’t be serious. A successful blogger will always add dash of humor to his/her blog. The humor shouldn’t be crass, but should be of the intelligent variety. This comes in handy, when you want to explain a boring topic. If you want to build a rapport with your readers, there is nothing better than getting a laugh out of them, with your content.
Some bloggers, especially new bloggers go about generating comments in the wrong way. They want other bloggers to comment on their blog post, but don’t want to reciprocate. Or they go for an easier route, meaning they use a comment generating software. This isn’t going to earn you any laurels. So, comment on other blogs, which will ensure a genuine reciprocal comment.
These are just some of the tips that will help you “kill” your competition and make you a successful blogger.

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