Tuesday 19 July 2011


These days it seems like everybody is trying to make money blogging, the reality is that most people who set off on this path will fail. It isn’t that the skills that are required are all that difficult it is just that most of the work is rather tedious. Most people would rather just write content rather than go to the trouble of promoting a blog. For these people premium blogging can be a great way for them to earn money at home, it will allow them to write without having to become internet marketers.
A premium blogger is simply somebody who gets paid to make blog posts for somebody els’s blog. In some cases this is done as a guest blogger and in others you are really just a ghost writer who provides most of the content for somebody’s blog. The reason that you want to do this is that if you can find enough work you can earn a lot of money at home this way. In general you should expect to earn between five and fifteen dollars for each post that you make as a premium blogger. This may not seem like much but when you consider that it probably takes fifteen minutes to half an hour to make a post the hourly earnings actually come out to be quite good.
So why would anybody want to be a premium blogger rather than owning their own blog? Primarily the reason is that a lot of people are better at writing content than they are at actually making money with a blog. As anybody who has tried to earn money at home by blogging knows it takes far more than just good content to make money with a blog. In fact content is only a small part of the job, the far bigger part is getting links for your blog. The reality is that out of the millions of people who try to earn money at home with a blog only a very small percentage will ever make any real money. Premium blogging offers an alternative source of income for people who are struggling to make money blogging.
Of course there are down sides to being a premium blogger, the first being that it can take some time to find blogs to write for. The second problem is that most of the content you are going to be writing will be quite boring. The chances that you are going to get to write about fascinating topics and share your opinion with the world are pretty slim. In reality you will probably be writing about how to clear acne or save money on car insurance. The reason for this is that these are the profitable topics when it comes to internet marketing, if you want to earn money at home this is what you are going to have to write about.
The first thing that you are going to have to do if you want to be a premium blogger is to find blogs to write for. The most common way to do this is through the freelance sites, this can work but it is very competitive. There are literally thousands of people there competing for writing jobs so the chances of finding enough work for a full time income are pretty slim. If your goals are more modest and you just want to earn money at home to supplement your income the freelance sites can be a good way to go but if you are looking to really make money you are going to need to take a different approach. That being said you have nothing to lose by signing up at the freelance sites and applying for jobs that are posted so you might as well do it.
A better approach is to go directly to the bloggers themselves and offer your services. The advantages of doing this are that there will be less competition, it also allows you to target blogs that are about topics you are interested in writing about. Just find some blogs in a niche that interests you and contact the owner and see if he is looking for somebody to write some posts for him. One of the best ways to do this is to use the comments section on his blog, write some interesting comments to his blog posts before you contact him. This will allow the blogger to see your writing ability. Of course this won’t work if the comments that you write are of poor quality so invest the time to write something good.
Another approach is to write articles and submit them to the article directories. This is just like article marketing the only difference is that what you are marketing is your writing service. In your author profile mention that you are a premium blogger and that you earn money at home by writing blog posts for other people. Also mention this in your resource box. In order to do this you will need a website to send people to, this can be done easily by setting up a blog of your own. Create a blog with a few samples of your writing and your contact information. Mention that you are a writer looking for work as a premium blogger. Use the articles that you submit to the directories to send people to your blog and you should have no trouble finding plenty of work.
A lot of people use premium blogging as a way to get started blogging themselves. It is a good way to get your feet wet and it will allow you to start making some money relatively quickly. Over the long term if you want to earn money at home it is probably a good idea to eventually create your own blog but premium blogging is a great way to get started.

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